Monday, August 1, 2011

WIBG Philadelphia Survey from November 20, 1967

Another classic survey from WIBG Philadelphia. This one features Billy Joel's group The Hassles at #77, The Kit-Kats at #44, and Thorinsheild(?) at #79. Click to enlarge. Also note #9 is Victor Lundberg's "An Open Letter To My Teenage Son", and #86 is, "A Letter To Dad", from Every Fathers Teenage Son. Cheaper than stamps, I guess. Wait, weren't stamps 3 cents?

Sunday, July 31, 2011

You'll Never Get Rich In Radio Handbook - 1977

Back in 1977 I was two years into my first real radio job at WKZL Winston-Salem NC. One of the big thrills for me was working with one of my boyhood idols, Steve Norris of WTOB. That year the station staff came over for a surprise birthday party. Linda Norris, at that time married to Steve, gave me the following birthday card:

I didn't know it at the time, but this was the best radio training that I'd get! I'm posting a couple of the 12 pages below, and you can click them to enlarge, but you can download the entire card as a .pdf file by clicking here. 

Here's a shot of Linda Norris at the birthday party. She's the one on the left. Linda later worked for a advertising agency in the Triad. I've since lost touch with her, but I won't forget her or her advice.